Received the Zino today.
- Setup with stock keyboard & mouse. HDMI to TV, no audio hookup yet. Connected intertubes.
- System power on.
- Seems like a slow boot.
- Black bars top & bottom.
- Accept Dell automatic updates & statistics.
- Unit is quiet - a little HDD squeak now and again but that's it.
- Skipped "Setup Security" for McAfee (going to use Microsoft Antivirus).
- Create recovery disc using Dell DataSafe. Can choose disc or USB drive. Chose disc - says to insert DVD or BD. Is this drive a BD burner? Don't have any blank BDs so using DVD - takes about 4.3GB and fits on one disc.
- When disc spins up it generates a little bit of white noise - it's low but audible at sofa 12' away.
- At 66% complete (verifying disc) the auto-play dialog popped up and progress stopped. Killed the dialog and it's still just sitting there - been 5 minutes so far. Sometimes the disc generates more audible, periodic noise but it dies off. It looks to be stuck.
- It finally finished after about another 10 minutes.
- Perform Windows update - 9 updates.
- 39MB update download seems kind of slow - have gigabit router/switch, CAT6, and Time Warner Turbo RoadRunner.
- I hear a high-pitched whine come and go.
- Update installs seem slow.
- Restart, high-pitched whine is annoying as it shuts down. It's a very slow shutdown. Very slow. Sitting at "logging off" for at least 5 minutes.
- "Starting Windows" shows 1080p (TV automatically shows resolution when it switches).
- "Configuring Windows Updates" switches to 1080i (welcom screen, too).
- The high-pitched whine is back.
- Stupid McAfee auto started its registration app & there's no way to close it. Killed it in Task Manager. Ran McAfee & killed all services - don't want to uninstall it just yet.
- Install Microsoft Security Essentials, let it update & scan.
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